9 reasons why people doing sports are happier
Do you train, exercise, do any sport? By this question, we do not mean watching it, but practicing it. Then you probably belong to a group of really happier people. You may be wondering how this is possible. After all, the sport also means a lot of pain, sweat and self-motivation. That is also true, but when you finally find a sport or sports that suit you and love doing them, you realize that you live a happier life. It doesn’t matter if you train at home, go to the gym, cycle or run, dance or do anything else. Check our 9 reasons why sport really makes us happier:
1. Move your limits
Doing sport sometimes means getting up early in the morning. Or go to the gym in the evening after work, when we are usually too tired to do anything literally. Despite, we go. It takes about 20 days to build a habit; the same goes for sports. Once you get used to the sport, it’s hard to swap it for another activity. And suddenly you won’t mind getting up in the morning or pushing yourself to the limits in the evening; you feel good about yourself. And that’s exactly what our point is about. When you push the boundaries of what you can do, you feel happier. You are here today, but possibly much further a year away. Isn’t that amazing? You push your own limits and build a stronger personality. And that is the real reason to enjoy this fantastic activity.

2. Benefits for your health
Sport has a massive amount of health benefits for the whole body. Of course, it depends on the type of sport. However, every sport is beneficial for something else. If you are healthy, you can definitely be happier. Sport benefits your heart, but it also protects the bones by creating muscle. Sports also lower blood sugar and blood pressure. The list of health benefits of sport could go on. Still, the most important thing is to remember that a healthy person is also a happier person.

3. Increased production of happiness hormone
Did you know that several types of hormone of happiness exist and that it can be produced within various activities? Exercise is one of them. Any sport evokes a feeling of happiness immediately after the workout and even longer after that. Don’t be discouraged by being lazy. Just start to do something that counts.
4. You become part of the community
Depending on the type, there is always a specific group of people who have decided to practice the same sport and are keen to do it. And that’s great. Nowadays, you find many associations and communities of people with similar interests, also on social networks. Exchanging experiences, discussing – it’s really up to you. If you prefer team sports, you are automatically part of a particular group of people who can be your friends. Either way – you belong somewhere.

5. More beautiful yourself
Many of us start exercising or do sport primarily because of their appearance. This benefit is really well visible and it is a great reason you can feel happier thanks to a more beautiful shape. Thanks to sports, you have stronger muscles, burn calories and work on your more beautiful “self”.

6. No time to be bored
Leisure time can be spent in different ways, but not always we spend it as we should. Television or hours of checking the phone and playing computer games is already a phenomenon in our society. It is more and more challenging to be active. But by doing a specific sport, you see how easy it is to get up and go exercise or do sports. Suddenly, sport becomes an integral part of your life and makes you really happier.
7. A lot of fun
Sport goes hand in hand with a lot of fun. Whether you’re cycling or running while listening to music, or doing a team sport or exercise in a group, sport is truly something you’ll enjoy. It’s a great form of active recreation and fun at the same time. And what’s even better is that it doesn’t matter if you exercise in January or July in most sports. Some sports are available all year round. And that’s a significant benefit. Besides, fun means happiness and that counts.
8. You make yourself a better person
When doing sports, you build your own personality. You would like to do something for yourself, so you overcome certain obstacles that could possibly stop you. You develop your self-discipline and strong will, and that is truly admirable. It’s also the reason to feel happier.
9. Sport helps the other as well
The sport also helps. It is essential to do something for oneself in one’s life, but if possible, even for other people. And this is exactly the way to achieve a feeling of happiness. When you join our Virtual Championship, choose the type of sport and the distance you prefer. Your reward will be a great feeling, a medal that we send you and the opportunity to help somebody in need.
When we share, we also gain. And that is real happiness.
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Goodbye friends at the next blog post.